Regional model improvements and evaluation with observations for quantifying multiscale impacts of non-CO2 radiative forcers
WP 4 focuses on the development and evaluation of a coupled modelling framework to deliver a multi-scale analysis of the impacts of non-CO2 forcers on climate, air quality, and health.
The main objective: improving the coupled regional scale climate and air quality models to enable their nesting in global climate models and advance their short lived climate pollutant modelling capabilities.
The other tasks under WP 4 are:
- To evaluate the performance of these regional climate models (RCMs) by comparing their results for present conditions with the observations from WP 1 and WP 2
- To test and apply the proposed multi-scale modelling system over Europe
WP 4 results will then feed into WP 6 for future projection analyses.
WP 4 Co-Leads: ARIANET and Charles University

Sandro Finardi
Sandro is a project manager and coordinator of R&D activities at ARIANET Srl in Milan, Italy. He is a regional scale atmospheric modeler who mainly focuses on planetary boundary layer meteorology, air pollutant dispersion modelling, urban air quality and micro-climates.
The main contribution to FOCI from his team is quantifying the impacts of climate change forcing in regional air quality models.

Tomáš Halenka
Tomáš is a senior associate professor at Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic and is the coordinator of FOCI. His fields of expertise are regional climate modelling, coupling with chemistry-transport models and the impacts of regional climate change, particular in urban environments.
The main contribution from his team in WP 4 is to quantify the climate change and air quality interactions related to non-CO2 forcers in the modelling systems.